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P I O N E E R I N G   S P I R I T 
&  L E A D E R S H I P


5 weeks

Join Matt & Trish Beckenham for a small group, interactive 5-week course (1 two-hour session a week) on the Pioneering Spirit and Leadership.

If you ever felt that you are a square peg that won't go into a round hole, then this course might be the one for you.

In this course, you will learn to discover the unique heart that you have been designed to pioneer with. You will discover more about your identity and the mantle you carry. We'll help you unpack many of the questions that you carry about your purpose in life. You will meet other like-minded people who will join you on this journey of discovery.


Each course is limited to only 20 people,

and Matt and Trish will be present in each session.


New dates for 2023 coming soon

Course cost is $350 (Australian dollars)


**NOTE: International price equivalent will be calculated and adjusted according to current exchange rates at time of payment.

Times and dates are for Sydney, Australia**


Thanks for registering to our course. See you there!



"Since our 5 weeks together, I’ve been trying to come up with the words to express the richness of the oil that was poured out on us. It was like standing in a room made entirely of stained glass images with light cascading in from all directions. As I recall each person it’s as though I come to a new window full of multi colored glass all soldered together. Behind each pane, the glowing light of our Father illuminates the richness to how He made you and the fullness of Christ. There’s a soft sweet aroma that fills the room, it tells the story of days gone past and those yet to come. When I reflect on our time together in those pioneering sessions, I will imagine myself in that room. That beautiful room surrounded by the goodness of God which is His nature and that which you each carry."



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