Trish Beckenham
Jessie DeCorsey
5-week course
1 x 2-hour online class per week
In-person with Trish & Jessie
Only 10 spaces available in each intake
Living Presence is an introduction into becoming present with ourselves, our very Present God, and with the one in front of us. This is part of loving God, ourselves, and others, which Jesus says is most important.
As we lean into joy and good experiences, our capacity for joy and our ability to see good will increase.
Basically, this is an introduction to a lifestyle of presence.
There is a prerequisite of completing the Prophetic Mentoring Course, so we are all on the same page of understanding God’s presence and His desire to communicate with us. There will be only 10 spaces available to keep it a safe and intimate atmosphere.

Course cost $350 AUD.
**NOTEs: Times and dates are Sydney time.
International price equivalent will be calculated and adjusted according to current exchange rates at the time of payment.

Safety is key to loving well. We each experience safety in a deeply personal way. I believe learning to be aware of our experience of ourselves and our environment in the present moment enables us to grow in safety. When we are safe, we feel freer to love and trust. Jesus tells us that loving God, ourselves and others is the most important thing, and I agree. I have found that learning how to use awareness, boundaries, and a bit of knowledge about how God uses our nervous system enables us to lean into a lifestyle of being present with our present God. Practicing this helps us learn how to love well. He is Immanuel, God with us. This course helps us to live it for ourselves and others.
Trish Beckenham
— Trish

I think ministry is a lifestyle - not a job title. I believe we are designed to walk relationally above all else and when we come together in love, we encounter Him and we are never the same again. In 2019, I started training in the Immanuel Prayer approach and spend my days coming alongside others to help them find inner healing and restoration. I believe God has a plan for you and for me and His greatest desire is for us to know the depths of His love for each one of us uniquely. That happens through presence with Him and with one another.
Jessie DeCorsey
— Jessie

"Living Presence was hosted by Trish Beckenham and Jessie DeCorsey, two women who listen to God's heart and are passionate about Immanuel Prayer. As they led our group of ten, Trish shared from her counselling background where we gained much insight as to how our minds work and how to bring calm when we feel stressed. In Immanuel Prayer Jessie and Trish led sessions where we listen to Jesus as He brings peaceful or joyous memories for us to enter into and explore with Him. Through Immanuel Prayer we can relive these moments and see what Jesus is wanting to draw our attention to. This is a time to talk with Jesus, be aware of his presence and his thoughts. It is also time to bring things to him with gratitude and joy. It can be a time to bring our sorrows to Jesus, to ask for healing, wisdom.
I found it encouraging as I listened to Jesus' thoughts and saw what He is drawing attention to heal. Living Presence blessed us with time to sit with Jesus in his peace" .
"The Living Presence course was such a beautiful thing to be a part of. Each week I would gain so much & go deeper in healing. God did miracles through different people & it was so inspiring to hear people's stories & share together in a safe place. I felt so loved & supported through the course. The combination of Jessie & Trish's teaching was amazing & brought so much awareness. Being guided into encounters with Immanuel brought so much healing."